Metallix is interested in developing new partnerships with companies that specialize in various aspects of scrap precious metal collecting, recycling and refining market.
Mutually beneficial
We recognize the value of creating mutually beneficial relationships with other companies that can add dimensions to our capabilities in the precious metals recycling market.
We believe the precious metals recycling industry offers great opportunities to seek strategic partnerships that can strengthen our position in the market and better serve the industry.
Together we have the potential to:
Become a more valuable entity for the industry
Strengthen our position in the market
Grow our businesses
Ensure the longevity of our companies
We invite businesses with similar philosophies and that are interested in partnering, to contact us.
We invite precious metals scrap businesses with similar philosophies and that are interested in partnering, to contact us to begin a constructive dialogue.
All inquiries are received exclusively by the President of Metallix and will be kept confidential.