Precious Metals Transportation & Logistics
Metallix Refining’s dedicated and professional team of global logistics and precious metals transportation experts will schedule your pickup according to your date/time availability, complete all needed documents including land ban, hazardous waste and customs paperwork, send prefilled labels and placards and send you the necessary DOT approved shipping containers.
Our reach and ability to assist in safely transporting your precious metal bearing material to our facilities goes beyond borders. We transport precious materials from around the globe, including Central and South America, Europe, Asia, etc. We audit and partner with the most reliable and secure logistics companies to expeditiously transport material worldwide to our recycling facilities.
We understand that scheduling transportation of your precious metal bearing material to our recycling facilities is a task that takes precious time and resources away from your busy day. Contacting carriers, creating labels, generating bills of lading and manifests, understanding waste codes, etc., is a job all on to itself. That is why we take all the time and work away from you and allow you to focus on your job. We will handle all aspects of this responsibility.
We also have our modern, state of the art fleet of Metallix owned and operated trucks driven by our team of dedicated professionals. Our trucks transport material, both hazardous and non-hazardous waste, regionally to our facilities safely and securely.
In addition, we have monthly scheduled coast to coast hazardous waste “milk runs” that will transport manifested waste such as cyanide solution, gold and silver wipes/jars, catalyst, acid solution, sludges, filters, etc. following the RCRA & DOT guidelines.
To learn more, please contact one of our Precious Metal Buyers
Contact one of our precious metal Buyers today to learn more about our process, or schedule a pickup.