Environmental stewardship is taking ownership for an environment we all share.

At Metallix this responsibility is reflected through the choices we make both personally and when executing company activities.

Our behavior demonstrates our continuous improvement of environmental performance, efficiency, responsibility towards natural resources and commitment to develop an ecosystem that exceeds baseline environmental requirements.

As we explore how to become a more sustainable society, environmental stewardship and business innovation will be the key in preserving natural resources and achieve a sustainable future for Metallix and the companies we serve.

Recycling ‘end of life’ technologies provides sustainable supplies of valuable platinum group metals, gold, and silver to the ever-growing market demands.

Metallix R&D and Precious Metals Review Board work closely with the diverse sectors we serve in developing both equipment and methodology to achieve a circular economy focuses on recycling of materials from end-of-life products.

Reduce, reuse, recycle let end of life be the new beginning and a foundation to a sustainable future.