Our Process

Leaching Department

Metallix commissioned a purpose-built chemical leaching of precious metals facility located at our Precious Metals Refinery in Greenville, North Carolina.

In 2020 having developed a proprietary methodology for the chemical leaching of precious metals, Metallix commissioned a purpose-built leaching facility located at our Precious Metals Refinery in Greenville, North Carolina, adding a new dimension to our extensive processing operations

Built using the highest quality construction materials, automated systems and implementing developed proprietary methodology, Metallix has the most advanced leaching facility, offering an efficient processing route that safeguards precious metals losses, personnel and the environment.

This aggressive chemical process is specific to out of service plant components from Nitric and other industry producers using precious metals catalyst in their production process. 

Losses of precious metal by volatilization mainly occurs at high temperatures, the volatile oxides of platinum, palladium and rhodium from the precious metals catalyst permeate the stainless or mild steel substrate leaving rich deposits of precious metals for recycling.

As with all operations undertaken by Metallix, incoming materials are reviewed by our precious metals review board and dismantling team to maximize value and document component loss data for the supplier.

Generated precious metal residues are strictly audited and moved to our Thermal Reduction Department for further processing.

chemical leaching department
Metallix employees during the chemical leaching of precious metals process
Metallix chemical leaching of precious metals process
chemical leaching

Contact one of our precious metal Buyers today to learn more about our process, or schedule a pickup.

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