Innovation is the fundamental difference between leading an industry and just following.

At Metallix our Analytical Laboratory houses some of the world’s most advanced equipment with an international team of industry professionals committed to formulate and optimize the process of precious metal recovery.

The Metallix analytical laboratory, with a footprint of 4,000-square feet features some of the most advanced analytical technology and applied sciences, ensuring optimal performance and employee safety.

Maximizing Accuracy

Although fire assay is considered the most reliable method for accurately determining the content of gold, silver, and platinum group metals in the industry, this analytical process is just one in a series of modern instrumental analysis to obtain the highest accuracy on each sample.

The treatment of each sample arriving in the analytical laboratory is determined by its origin, recommendations by our internal precious metal review board and established methods most aligned to the material type.


Metallix - Analytical Laboratory Leaders in Innovation


Research & Development

Metallix’s R&D focus is on innovative solutions with a goal to achieve sustainability without compromising our environmental commitment. We are aligned to meet the market needs of our Suppliers for the expedient and viable recycling of precious metal bearing materials.

A key deliverable is “Proof of Concept Testing”, tests and validation forming a basis for modifications and continuous improvement in the recovery process.


Metallix employer in Analytical Laboratory

Attaining The Highest Industry Standards

Analytical methods are observed through proficiency testing to evaluate the quality and technical competence of the laboratory. Equipment in the analytical laboratory is calibrated using certified standards to guarantee that all the results are traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) certified reference materials.

NIST certification means a product has been tested against a NIST SRM set of standards and meets the exacting requirements for that product. Metallix is ISO 14009:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 certified.

Analytical Lab Leaders in Innovation


Analytical Capabilities

Selecting the appropriate procedures under controlled conditions will detect content, value, and viability at the lower detection limits by means of:

  • Fire Assay
  • XRF
  • ICP
  • Wet Chemistry
  • Titration
  • Carbon Elemental Analysis

To learn more about our capabilities, please contact a member of our team +1-800-327-7938